موقع الدكتور فلاح خلف الربيعي

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
و أهلا وسهلا بكم

د.فلاح خلف الربيعي

كلية الادارة والاقتصاد / قسم الاقتصاد / الجامعة المستنصرية

الخميس، مايو 01، 2008

Analysis of Human Development Indicators In Libya

falah.K.Ali Alrubaie

Analysis of Human Development Indicators In Libya Alrubaie.Falah.K.Ali - Economics-faculty of Economics–derna-Omar Almukhtar university- Libya Summary This study aimed to diagnose the nature of the challenges facing human development in Libya in the future, in light of the trend towards privatization and economic reform and retreat of the role of the state and public sector, and the economic recession that dominated the Libyan economy since the mid-nineties yet, and how to maintain the gains made by, and address the shortage of quality aspects of the recipe given sustainability, after it became successful achievements in the areas of health and education are threatened with exposure to significant setback.The only way to meet those challenges is to intensify efforts to raise the level of the three dimensions of human development: the formation of human capacities, human use of this capacity, raising the level of human well-being and the granting of these indicators priority in the allocations of investment, and to keep raising the living standard of citizens while working to develop and improve constantly, and keenness to achieve justice in the distribution of incomes, and an evaluation and follow-up continuing to achieve human development consistent with the rates of international and national particularities and the advancement of the education sector in the context of economic restructuring to give priority to the aspects of quality and focus on the quality of education its various dimensions, and keep up with economic and social developments and changes and build modern health policy with the task of accurate diagnosis of the problems of the health sector, and the diagnosis of pros and cons current horizontal expansion in health services, policy and the reality of the pharmaceutical and medical supply and the proposed alternatives, and the reality of policy alternatives and spending in the health sector, and interest in the maintenance of the gains distributive and social justice in the provision of housing for all social groups, particularly those on low income, together with adherence to appropriate staffing resources, the need to develop a national strategy for the advancement of the status of women Jamahiriya, containing among other proposals, foremost of the establishment of social programmes to reduce the negative effects of economic restructuring programmes on the status of women, creation of a national fund for the advancement of women in order to improve their quality of life and ensure that aspects of the economic and social security through expansion of programmes investment loans and loan subsidies and housing programs marriage and custody and training programmes and rehabilitation

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